Walkley Library. Run by the community, for the community.
Walkley Carnegie Library is a community library This means that it is supported by a grant and run independently by volunteers.
You can still use your own library card, reserve books and use the People’s Network computers for free.
Browse our online catalogues by clicking the links below
403 South Road, Walkley, S6 3TD
Opening Hours:
Monday: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 10:00 am - 5:30 pm
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 10:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday: Closed
New Baby Time Dates!
Baby time is coming up again and here are some new dates:
Friday 11th April
Friday 9th May
Friday 13th June
Friday 11th July
The sessions are from 10.30am -11.30am and are for those 2yrs or younger.
New Stem Club!
Join us on Fridays from 4pm to 5pm from 8 to 11yrs (Y4-Y6) for exciting science experiments! First Session starts on the 17th of January!
More information on the poster below.
Now Full!
Baby Time Dates for 2025
Join us again for Baby Time in 2025 for fun stories and sing-a-longs with your little ones!
New dates include: 10th Jan, 14th Feb and 14th March.
Thank You for Donating Your Books!
We have now accumulated enough to sell them on and raise money for the library! Thank you all for your collective efforts and donations.
We are now only accepting donations of fiction books published within the last 2 years. These will include only adult books, not children’s books. This will help us to sort through all the books that we already have
Look At Our New Books!
Here are some new Adult and Children’s books in our collection!
Volunteer with us!
If you would like to volunteer with us, come up to the front desk to let us know or contact us on volunteering@walkleylibrary.org.uk
We are also looking for more Trustees. Please email trustees@walkleylibrary.org.uk for more information.
Cash is King? Not anymore!
Walkley Library has made it to the 21st century and we are now accepting card payments (yes, even contactless!).
Previous Events At The Library
AKA: what you missed while you were watching TV…
Walkley Events Collective Launch Party
Walkley Library is hosting the official launch party for Walkley Events Collective (previously known as Walkley Festival).
The Session is on Wednesday the 5th of February 3.30pm-5.30pm and 6pm - 8pm.
It is a free event but you will need a ticket as spaces are limited. You can access the tickets here: Reserve your place for the Launch Party – Walkley Events Collective Launch Party – Walkley Library
This is a chance to let Walkley Events Collective know what you would want in your community. There is also an online survey form available that you can fill out ahead of time, or if you are unable to make the event. You can access the form with this link: Community Event Survey
Hope to see you there!
AGM & 10th Birthday Party!
Save the Date!!
Walkley Carnegie Library turns 10 on Saturday 16 November (or thereabouts), and to celebrate, we’re having a party! And we’re smuggling in our AGM at the same time. The AGM is a central part of our governance as a charity, and everyone is welcome to come, listen, and make suggestions.
It’ll take place on Saturday 16 November 2024, from 2.30pm in the library.
As our volunteers and users, you’re the reason we keep the library open, so we’d love to have you involved! With it being such a big birthday, there'll be a bit of a ‘Party’ theme to events, including tea and cake (and maybe something sparkling) after, and then a short book-ish quiz with tin-themed prizes.
We expect everything to be wrapped up by at the latest 5.30pm, and hopefully earlier.
If you want to attend, please RSVP to Anne Grange at a.grange@walkleylibrary.org.uk by Thursday 14th November, so that we know numbers. You can find all the documents (agenda, past minutes, and reports as they become available) online
Joe Garber: Author Event
Jo Garber's book launch was a great event last week. The book sales and donations raised a total of £104, which has now been passed on to the Sepsis Trust.
Thanks to all involved.
Christmas Paper Pastimes
Come along on the 14th of December for a Christmas card and craft making session between 10.30am and 1pm!
Look At Our New Books!
Here are the new books we got in October!
Baby Time
Updated dates for up until the end of the year
Come along to Babytime once a month for stories and songs. For little ones from newborn to 2 years old.
On other Fridays, baby toys will still be out in the library.
Book launch - Ship of Stories
Wednesday 9th October 4-5.15pm
Summer Reading Challenge 2024: Marvellous Makers
Come and take part in the Summer Reading challenge! Starting Saturday 6th of July, you can come in to your local library and collect your sticker pack! After reading 6 books, you can also come in and collect a prize! We can’t wait to see what you read this summer!
How to take part:
Visit the library and sign up to the challenge
Receive an core pack. There is one for 4-11 yrs and a Mini Challenge for under 4s.
choose books to read (those can be anything you like!)
Receive stickers to add to your core pack each time you come to the library.
Get a certificate and medal for reaching your goal!
(presented by The Reading Agency and delivered in partnership with libraries.)
Walkley Festival
Come along to the library during the Walkley Festival to take part in fun, book and story related activities!
Paper Pastimes this Saturday 25th May 10.30-13.30
We’re open Easter Saturday!
Saturday 30th March 10am - 2pm
With more books, a treasure hunt based on the lovely new mural at the side of the building, and more…
New books!
Log in to your blue sticker account to request them (ask in the library if you’re not sure how).
Or you can go to ‘Contact’ and send us a message using the books option.
Join us on Saturday 23rd March for Paper Pastimes - Easter-themed crafts
Calling all parents!
Are you planning a spring clean or sort out?
If you come across any small toys that you would be willing to donate for our treasure hunt treasure chest, please bring them in for us. We are planning a Chinese new year treasure hunt featuring this cute dragon for half term, so please pop in!
It’s brand new books time!
What does a new year need, but new books!
Log in to your blue sticker account to request them.
Don't know how? Ask in the library when we reopen from Wednesday morning at 10am.
For now, you can go to the website, click on contact us, and send us a message using the books option.
What are you doing this Friday morning?
From this Friday, we are reopening on Friday mornings from 10am! This brings us back in line with our opening times from early 2020. There will also be a regular computer help session from 2-2.50 pm on Fridays, so if you need help with your tablet/smartphone/laptop, or how to use our people’s network computers, come and ask.